If you are anything like us, you can’t get enough of Austin’s diverse (and delicious) food scene. Our city’s latest motto is “Keep Austin Weird,” and the selection of local cuisine doesn’t disappoint. Whether you are craving some sushi from Ten Ten or you’re a regular at Banger’s Sausage House and Beer Garden (yes, gourmet sausages, y’all!), you don’t have to look far to find something good to eat.

But what if going out to eat with friends or family sounds like a nightmare due to your crooked teeth? Covering your mouth constantly, especially while you chew or speak, can become exhausting and cause much anxiety. You don’t have to continue to live with crooked or gapped teeth in Austin – there is a solution to straightening your smile discreetly.

If you are an adult or you have a teen in your household that is looking into orthodontics in Austin, traditional braces are not the only route to a stellar smile. Invisalign clear aligners eliminate the need for wires and brackets – and the continual dental appointments to tighten them.

Made of SmartTrack material, these clear aligners fit comfortably around your teeth while applying the right amount of pressure to shift your teeth over time without discomfort.

Why Not Just Stick With Traditional Braces?

Whether your teeth are crooked, crowded, or have gaps between them, Austin Invisalign follows the same orthodontic process as traditional braces, with a fresh take on how you look and feel while straightening your teeth.

Not only is Invisalign in Austin a more comfortable choice, but it is much more discreet than traditional braces. All your Invisalign treatment entails is wearing your clear aligners through the day and night, only taking them out to brush your teeth or eat food.

How Long Will My Austin Invisalign Treatment Take?

The time you have to wear your Invisalign clear aligners depends on your dental needs and your adherence to the treatment guidelines provided by your cosmetic dentist at Barton Oaks Dental Group.

By wearing your clear aligners the recommended 22-24 hours a day, you will begin to see a difference in your smile in as little as a few weeks. You will visit your cosmetic dentist in Austin every couple of weeks to switch to a new set of aligners as your teeth begin to straighten and your improved smile begins to emerge.

The total timeline of your Invisalign treatment in Austin, Texas, can vary, with most patients needing to wear clear aligners between 12-18 months. This will depend on your specific teeth-straightening issues – and the best cosmetic dentists at Barton Oaks Dental Group are ready to customize your Invisalign treatment plan to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Get Started: Choose The Best Cosmetic Dentist In Austin

If Invisalign is the clear choice for you, we have you covered here at Barton Oaks Dental Group. Our five dedicated cosmetic dentists – Dr. Dora Z. Nemeth, Dr. Joe R. Neeley, Jr., Dr. Richard Hayashi, Dr. Laurie Bradley, and Dr. Lauren Lewis – have plenty of experience straightening teeth successfully using Invisalign, so much so that Barton Oaks Dental Group is a Gold provider of Invisalign – a title only given to practices that treat a certain number of patients with this orthodontic option yearly.

Allow Dr. Nemeth and her team to show you how simple straightening your smile can be. If you are interested in Austin, TX., Invisalign, you can schedule a complimentary consultation with our office. Dr. Nemeth or one of our other highly-regarded cosmetic dentists will thoroughly evaluate your teeth and overall health to determine if you are a good candidate for Austin Invisalign clear aligners and estimate the approximate length of your treatment.

Choose Discreet Orthodontics in Austin With Invisalign

At Barton Oaks Dental Group, we know how a dazzling, straight smile can transform your self-esteem and life. Long gone are the days of having wires and brackets poking and prodding your teeth and gums. Discreetly transform your smile with Invisalign clear aligners and experience the difference!

Call (512) 327-6947 to schedule your initial consultation or use our online form. Dr. Nemeth and her caring dental team are ready to change how you feel about orthodontics in Austin and your smile!